Saturday, May 1, 2010

Home Favorites and Cheap Food

This weekend, my cousin Andrea came to visit me in Toronto all the way from Kingston. Since the start of Tout Toronto, I've been a busy tourist bee, hopping on and off street cars, peering over city maps and making google my BFF. Naturally, I was dying to show off to her what I had found and I had been introduced to.
I'm excited to share this post with you for the main reason that all places mentioned in this post are not new discoveries. They are some of the places that I frequent regularly...or would like to frequent regularly.

Chez Laurent:

Chez Laurent is a French-Italian restaurant that was discovered by roomate and I when we first moved into the Yonge and Finch neighbourhood. It's a quiet little place located on Yonge Street. The charm of this place is that it is a cute little house converted into a restuarant by the family that ownes it. The food is delicious and the atmosphere is warm and intimate. There is an unspoken understanding between my roomate and I that when one of us has a really really bad day, we go to Chez Laurent. Their soups could scare away a bad day and their bread is always freshly baked. And it's a 20 minute walk from home!

Cafe Princess:

Cafe Princess is another place very close to home that I only found out about now. I pass by this place everyday and never thought much of it until my friend Margaret took me there. It's a cute place, predominantly frequented by Koreans. They have comfy couches and cool high chairs everywhere! The atmosphere is warm and cozy and it a great place to hang out with friends or read or study. The cafe is open late hours and their cheesecakes are to die for. They even rent out board games which means hours of Cafe Princess fun.

They do not serve food though. Just drinks and good cheesecake.

Red Room:
A long day of shopping at Kensington Market really works up an appetite. And its fairly uneconomical to be stuck downtown Toronto with an elephant sized appetite. Which is why we chose to go to the the Red Room. The Red Room is a restuarant located on Spadine Avenue close to Kensington Market. The food is extremely cheap. The decor is very artsy. Apparently all the furniture at this place is put together from thrift stores. (This may or may not include the very expensive looking antique chandaliers)

The service is blah. But really, when you pay 6 bucks for your food, there are only so many expectations you can have.

And that's it for Tout Toronto this week folks! Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! I need to check your first two suggestions.
